Wednesday, May 28, 2014

[Terry's Tale] An Out of the World Adventure

On Monday, April 7, I became involved in an interesting situation.  I was sought out and approached by a gentleman who had materials that he thought might be from a meteorite.  He asked me to make contact with US meteor researchers because he speaks no English.  That night he came to my place of stay and provided me with the following narrative.

On March 22, 2007 at 4:28am local time, he Mr. Kim, was driving in his car and he heard a loud roar overhead which he took to be the sound of a low flying jet aircraft.  Upon looking up he observed a whitish object rapidly falling towards earth.  When the object appeared to be approximately 100 meters up it suddenly exploded apart with a concomitant flash of a bright pinkish light at which time he also noticed smoke.

Thinking this to be a meteor, but knowing little about meteors at the time, he went to look for a crater that he thought may have been created.  Though he found no crater he returned many times over the next few years to find what he could.  In the meantime he began to do some research into meteors, asteroids, and the like as he searched for possible meteor remnants. 

In 2010, as he was searching the landfall area, he came upon a rock that had an odd green-speckled appearance.  Having taken this curious rock home he revisited it many times due to its curious appearance and its possible association with the meteor he had observed.  He would later split the rock and take pictures of the rock immediately after it was split
.  Sometime after this he found a rock that not only had an interesting appearance, but it exhibited some interesting magnetic properties as well.

After examining the materials he brought I had to agree that the rocks Mr. Kim had supplied demonstrated some characteristics that seemed a bit odd for earth material so I then contacted Dr. Douglas Duncan, even though this was not his field, because I had heard him to be a scientist who has worked to try to popularize science (think Dr. Carl Sagan or Dr. Richard Feynman; or if you are not aware of them because they both died over 20 years ago – Aaaak! MORE than a generation ago!  Then think Neil DeGrasse Tyson who is of today’s generation of people involved in science).

Examining an interesting piece of rock.
 (This picture as well as the next).
Many materials lain out before me.

The upstart of all of this is that some of the material will soon be on its way to the US to be examined by Dr. Stern, so while I seriously doubt than any of the materials are eggs from some space creatures, there remains more to come in this story.

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